
2023 Club Ladder - Final Standings

Place   Player              Pre-Rating  Post-Rating     Change
1	Tony Kesseler	    1352*(6)    1431
2	Scott Stringer	    1766        1766            +0
3	Paul Reti	    Unrated     1582*(3)
4	Simon Barber	    Unrated     1366*(2)
5	Dean Severinsen	    1265*(7)    1295*(10)
6	Mark Williams	    1399        1369            -30
7	Christian Cosgrove  1316        1361            +45
8	Daniel Annear	    1250*(4)    1273*(6)
9	Stephen Barber	    Unrated     1366*(2)
* Denotes provisional rating (number of rated games in brackets)

Midwinter Blitz 2 Jul 2024

Place  Player           Rating      Score   New Rating  Change   
1=  Akash Patel         Unrated      5.5    1886*(3)    
    Bob Van den Bergh   1643         5.5    1670        +27   
3   Scott Stringer      1698         5.0    1676        -22
4   Charles Steadman    Unrated      4.0    1570*(4)
5=  Lewis Steadman      Unrated      3.0    1318*(4)
    Jamie Young         Unrated      3.0    1345*(5)
    Wes Kessack         1519*(7)     3.0    1553*(9)    +34*
8=  Robbie Steadman     Unrated      2.0    1185*(5)
    Daniel Annear       1053*(7)     2.0    1123*(8)    +70*
10  Dean Severinsen     1212*(10)    1.0    1169        Full Rating
* Denotes provisional rating (number of rated games in brackets)

King's Gambit competition 5 & 19 Nov 2024

Place 	Player	      Rating  Score   New Rating  Change
1   Bob van den Bergh   1670    5.0     1690        +20
2   Scott Stringer      1676    4.0     1656        -20
3   Akash Patel        1886*(3) 3.0     1641*(5)
4=  Stephen Barber     1265*(7) 1.0     1268*(10)
    Daniel Annear      1123*(8) 1.0     1153*(10)
* Denotes provisional rating (number of rated games in brackets)

End-Of-Year Blitz 19 Dec 2023

Place Name           Pre-Rating    Score  New Rating  Change
1   Bob Van den Bergh   1594        6.0    1643         +49
2=  Ric Pugh            1246*(2)    5.0    1429*(7) 
    Wesley Kessack      1694*(2)    5.0    1519*(7)
    Scott Stringer      1718        5.0    1698         -20
5   Mark Williams       1349        4.0    1334         -15 
6   Stephen Barber      1084*(2)    3.5    1265*(7)
7   Simon Barber        1314*(2)    3.0    1314*(8)
8   Ben Eldridge        Unrated     2.5    1212*(6)
9   Daniel Annear       1136*(2)    1.0    1053*(7)
* Denotes provisional rating (number of rated games in brackets)
 End-Of-Year Blitz Crosstable
Player#  Name          Rd1  Rd2  Rd3  Rd4  Rd5  Rd6  Rd7   
1  Bob Van den Bergh   8:W  4:W  2:W  3:W  6:W  7:L  5:W
2  Scott Stringer      5:W  3:W  1:L  7:W  4:L  8:W  9:W
3  Ric Pugh            7:W  2:L  5:W  1:L  9:W  BYE  8:W
4  Wesley Kessack      6:W  1:L  7:L  8:W  2:W  9:W  BYE
5  Mark Williams       2:L  9:W  3:L  BYE  7:W  6:W  1:L
6  Stephen Barber      4:L  8:D  BYE  9:W  1:L  5:L  7:W
7  Simon Barber        3:L  BYE  4:W  2:L  5:L  1:W  6:L
8  Ben Eldridge        1:L  6:D  9:W  4:L  BYE  2:L  3:L
9  Daniel Annear       BYE  5:L  8:L  6:L  3:L  4:L  2:L

2016 Armstrong Trophy (Swiss Rapid 4 Rounds)

Place    Name            Rating    Score  New Rating   Change
  1  Scott Stringer       1686      4       1687        +1
  2  Val De Voer          1233*(5)  3       1320*(9)
  3= Theo Horn            1115*(5)  2       1052*(7)
     Daniel Cross          900      2        936    
     John Hockley         1041      2       1099        +58
     Ian Carr             1235      2       1282        +47
  7= Ben Dunn             UNRATED   1       1212*(2)
     Ben McDrury          1188      1       1159        -29         
     Mark Williams        1310      1       1278        -32
 10= Rob De Voer          UNRATED   0        910*(1) 
     Patrick Green         826*(9)  0        808*(10) 
     Eliot Green          1011      0        969        -42 
* Denotes provisional rating (number of rated games in brackets)

Junior Competition 18 Sep 2018

Overall winner: Nathan Houghton
Overall Placings & Ratings
Place 	Player		Rating     Score    New Rating   
1   Nathan Houghton     1460        3.0       1460              
2   Christian Cosgrove  Unrated     1.5       1060*(1) 
3   William Bretherton  1161*(6)    1.0       1147*(7) 
4   James Cole          Unrated     0.5       1060*(1)   
* Denotes provisional rating (number of rated games in brackets)

Ashburton Chess Club vs North Canterbury Chess 30 Oct 2016

Ashburton Chess Club:  19.5 points
North Canterbury Chess: 5.5 points
North Canterbury Chess
Player                 Round1  Round2  Round3  Round4  Round5  Score
1. Scott Stringer	L:10    9:W     L:8     7:W     L:6     2.0	
2. Bob van den Bergh	L:6    10:W     W:9     8:D     L:7     2.5	
3. Ian Carr	        L:7     6:L     L:10    9:L     L:8     0.0
4. Mark Williams	L:8     7:L     L:6    10:W     L:9     1.0
5. Jesse Carr	        L:9     8:L     L:7     6:L     L:10    0.0
                                                     Team Score 5.5
Ashburton Chess Club
Player                 Round1  Round2  Round3  Round4  Round5  Score
6. Vlad Barbu		2:W     W:3     4:W     W:5     1:W     5.0
7. Jialin Guo		3:W     W:4     5:W     L:1     2:W     4.0
8. Ken Pow		4:W     W:5     1:W     D:2     3:W     4.5
9. Stewart Bennett	5:W     L:1     2:L     W:3     4:W     3.0
10. Roy Keeling		1:W     L:2     3:W     L:4     5:W     3.0
                                                    Team Score 19.5